The Journal for Research on African American Women
The Journal for Research on African American Women
PHILLIS: The Journal for Research on African American Women is the peer-reviewed journal of the Delta Research and Educational Foundation. Its editions appear biennially and comprise the highest quality scholarship related to the experiences of African American women.
PHILLIS solicits scholarly writings by and about African American women across all disciplines that seek to advance the history, contributions and relevancy of African American women. Works are intellectually challenging, promote debate, and seek to deepen the scholarly discussion on the global experience of women of the African diaspora. We look forward to publishing articles engaging gender, race, culture, class, nationality, and/or sexuality either as a central focus or as constitutive analytics. We seek exciting essays that support new inquiries or prompt constructive and corrective debate.
2025 Edition of PHILLIS
Guest Editor: Tenesha J. Lewis, DrPH, MPH
THEME: From Access to Action: Amplifying Black Women’s Voices in Health Equity
The subject for the 2025 edition of PHILLIS—“From Access to Action: Amplifying Black Women’s Voices in Health Equity”—seeks to present scholarly perspectives on how Black women leverage their resources to address systemic barriers and drive meaningful change in health equity. Black women have consistently organized and mobilized to improve not only their own quality of life but also that of their communities, demonstrating resilience and leadership in the face of persistent challenges.
Essays addressing this theme should clearly identify the issues, incorporate relevant data to support their premises, and provide insights into how Black women are advancing actionable solutions to achieve health equity. Contributors are encouraged to explore progress and opportunities to amplify the voices of Black women in achieving systemic change.
We seek manuscripts that examine the spectrum of equity-based issues impacting Black women, including within the following subject areas:
Δ Public health disparities
Δ Organizational culture’s impact on the workforce
Δ Social justice activism in the community
Δ Mental health equity outcomes
Δ Environmental justice
Δ Educational equity
Submissions are welcomed that address the following concerns and other issues related to the subjects listed above:
The editor and editorial/advisory board invite submissions of article-length manuscripts, information and documents that may appropriately be published in PHILLIS. We publish articles from a wide range of areas—which include, but are not limited to, articles engaging culture, race, gender, class, nation, and/or sexuality. We are looking for lively, thought-provoking essays that launch new inquiries or prompt intellectual and informed debate. We publish articles not only in areas of scholarship familiar to PHILLIS readers but in newly emergent fields relevant to people of African descent.
We do not request assignment of copyright from authors. Although the copyright and legal responsibility remains with the author, it is understood that the journal has non-exclusive right to publish the contribution and the continuing right, without limit, to include the contribution as part of any reprinting of the issue and/or volume of the journal in which the contribution first appeared by any means and in any format, including computer-assisted storage and readout, in which the issue and/or volume may be reproduced by the publisher or by its licensed agencies. Correspondence concerning PHILLIS should be addressed to the current editor.
Manuscript submission deadline: March 23, 2025.
For more information contact:
Antoinette M. Rogers, PhD, Director of Programs, Delta Research & Educational Foundation and DREF Managing Editor of PHILLIS Journal
Karla M. Green, Executive Director, Delta Research & Educational Foundation (DREF)
Volume 6 | Issue 1 | 2021 – 2022
PHILLIS, Moving to the Other Side of the Mountain: Black Women’s Resolve in a Moment of Crisis
The theme for the 2021-2022 edition of PHILLIS, “Moving to the Other Side of the Mountain: Black Women’s Resolve in A Moment of Crisis” seeks to present scholarly opinions on the ways in which Black women utilize their resources in collaboration with allies to navigate a society that continuously presents challenges to their overall quality of life.
Volume 5 | Issue 1 | 2019 – 2020
PHILLIS, Re-Examining the African American Woman and Poverty: The Intersectionality of ECONOMICS, EDUCATION, and HEALTH
The theme for the 2019-2020 edition of PHILLIS, “Re-Examining the African American Woman and Poverty: The Intersectionality of ECONOMICS, EDUCATION, and HEALTH.”
Volume 4 | Issue 1 | 2016 – 2017
PHILLIS, Delta Teacher Efficacy Campaign: “Education: It’s A Heart Matter” ™
The theme for the 2016-2017 edition of PHILLIS, “Delta Teacher Efficacy Campaign: Education: It’s A Heart Matter” ™
Volume 3 | Issue 1 | 2015 – 2016
PHILLIS, “Fortitude: 150 Years of African American Women and Civic Engagement”
The theme for the 2015-2016 edition of PHILLIS, “Fortitude: 150 Years of African American Women and Civic Engagement.”
Volume 2 | Issue 1 | 2013
PHILLIS, The Genius of Black Women—One Hundred Years of Triumph
The theme for the 2013 edition of PHILLIS, “The Genius of Black Women—One Hundred Years of Triumph.”
Volume 1 | Issue 1 | 2011 | Premier Issue
PHILLIS, Trauma and the African-American Woman
The theme for the 2011 premier issue edition of PHILLIS, “Trauma and the African-American Woman.”