Project IMPACT: Diabetes Prevention Webinar—Saving Your Life in 3D—Defeating the Disease with DREF

You are invited to attend a Project IMPACT: Diabetes Prevention Webinar on Tuesday, May 3, 2022, at 7:30 p.m. The Webinar is entitled “Saving Your Life in 3D—Defeating the Disease with DREF.” If you have been diagnosed in the pre-diabetes range, the Project IMPACT: Diabetes Prevention Program is ideal for you. Click on the subject line to register, NOW!

Project IMPACT: Diabetes Prevention WebinarProject IMPACT: Diabetes Prevention Webinar—Saving Your Life in 3D—Defeating the Disease with DREF. Attend the Webinar and learn how you and/or your family members can benefit from the life-saving Project IMPACT program.

Click here to register for the hour-long Webinar

About Project IMPACT

Project IMPACT is a wellness program that teaches the skills needed to prevent #Type2diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects Black communities at astounding rates. As of 2018, the Department of Health and Human Services reported that Black people are twice as likely to die from this disease…that’s brothers, sisters, mothers, husbands, wives, and those most dear to us. We have to change the medical conversation surrounding Black communities and diabetes by talking about making lifestyle changes to prevent the disease. The initiative is presented by DREF in collaboration with the American Pharmacists Association Foundation (APhA).